Hawaiian Butterfly Gardens

Education Conservation Research on Kauai

invertebrates and their role in saving the world via our nonprofit organization, community science, and educational initiatives 

discover an unforgettable Kauai experience while also learning to care for our island’s biodiversity

Produce boxes & beach picnic baskets available for on-site pick up on your way to the North Shore

Joy for the soul, support for the 'Aina

Every heart leaps to the sight of fluttering butterflies! But here at Hawaiian Butterfly Gardens, our tour experience doesnt stop at pleasure for the soul. Pollinators keep the heart of our planet beating. They keep our flowers fertile and our fruits in abundance. They are a necessary link in the cycle of life without which produce and flora could not exist. By booking a tour with us, you are doing more with your time in Hawai’i. By learning how to support Pollinators, you are also supporting our local farms and island’s biodiversity. Education is the key to doing your part in caring for Hawaiian lands.