Hawaiian Butterfly Gardens

Education Conservation Research

witness first hand the magic of metamorphosis at home or in the classroom

release butterflies for weddings, parties, memorials, funerals, and other events

discover a magical experience on the north shore of Kaua’i

Joy for the soul, support for the 'Aina

Every heart leaps to the sight of fluttering butterflies! But here at Hawaiian Butterfly Gardens a release doesnt stop at pleasure for the soul. Pollinators keep the heart of our planet beating. They keep our flowers fertile and our fruits in abundance. They are a necessary link in the cycle of life without which produce could not exist. By purchasing a release with us, you are helping repopulate the butterflies of Hawai’i and support our local farms and flowers, thus helping restore the vital life force of our islands.

Free your own butterflies

weddings, memorials, parties, gatherings, funerals and classrooms

Interested in doing more to support our pollinators? Donate to our educational fund which allows us to bring butterflies into our local classrooms